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Scroll less, live more

Set boundaries with your phone and make time for the things you love



Get the app

Scroll less, live more

Set boundaries with your phone and make time for the things you love



Get the app


Living a balanced life in a digital world

Proudly backed by


Unlocking time for the things that matter

1h less screen time per day and you can...

...every month

Track your
Balance Score

Find balance with the time you
spend on and off your phone

Set Daily Intentions

Define clear intentions for your phone usage

Set App Limits

Better app limits with just the right amount of friction

Schedule Phone

Be more present throughout the day, and as you unwind for sleep


Real impact
for better balance

This is the best app I have ever used and it has truly change my life and how I find balance every day

Simon, Detroit MI

Easy to use and helpful in keeping me aware of my screen time. So glad to have Roots now!

Michelle, Nashville TN

I have been working on reducing my screen time and love that Roots really helps me with that!

Pete, New York NY

Roots has helped me significantly with cutting down on my screen time and I'm so happy for that!

Christine, Sacramento CA


Frequently asked questions

How is Roots different from other screen time apps?
How is Roots different from Apple Screen Time?
How exactly does the “risk-free guarantee” work?
What happens with my data, is it safe?
What does the science say about phone screen time?


Unlocking time for
the things that matter

1 hour less screen time per day and you can...

...every month

Title about features
goes right here

Balance Score
App Limits
Downtime Scheduler